About Winyama

Winyama is an Indigenous-owned and majority-operated geospatial and cloud consultancy based in Perth, Western Australia.

We believe business is about more than just business, and work with organisations that believe the same.

Winyama offers end-to-end geospatial and cloud solutions for those working across the Indigenous land estate, while facilitating the digital engagement of Indigenous people and communities. We are passionate about making a social impact. Our goal is to create opportunities for our clients and partners to meaningfully engage with Australia’s Indigenous community.

Why Winyama?

Our vision is full and equal participation of Indigenous people in the digital economy.

We are one of Australia’s only Indigenous geospatial consultancies.

Winyama is one of the only Indigenous digital consultancies in Australia that specialises in GIS and cloud, which makes our combination of experience, knowledge and expertise unique. 

We are a partner that can build culturally appropriate solutions.

Winyama is majority Indigenous staffed, with Indigenous influence across every capability of our company. Our team have specialised backgrounds in; heritage, native title and government.

We understand Indigenous communities and organisations, particularly the sensitivities that are related to cultural protocols and engagement.

We provide insight and expertise into potential cultural issues.

Winyama understands the breadth of contextual information that is required for building digital solutions for Indigenous people and to service Indigenous communities.

This includes mapping or documenting sacred sites, natural land features and other cultural land features that need to be displayed in order for organisations and government bodies to understand claims, culture and Indigenous history more thoroughly.

Explore Our Core Services

We work at the intersection of tradition and technology, providing culturally appropriate solutions for clients.

Geospatial Solutions • Cloud Solutions • Drone Solutions

The Origin of Winyama

Winyama’s story begins where all good stories begin. With a good introduction.

In 2016, Andrew Dowding, Director of cultural mapping consultancy, Taruru, was introduced to Paul Farrell, Director of geospatial consultancy, NGIS thanks to a mutual client. Quickly finding common ground in their work and passion for using technology for social good led to an 18-month courtship between the two. Following this period, they decided to merge their talents, establishing a new company—Winyama.

Winyama means sea eagle in Ngarluma, Winyama Managing Director, Andrew Dowding's traditional language. Like the sea eagle, Winyama overcomes limitations and sees from a larger perspective.

The company serves two purposes. First, as a geospatial location intelligence and digital solutions provider to those working across the Indigenous land estate. Second, as an enabler of young Indigenous talent seeking careers in technology.

Listen to our founders’ story

“Working with Winyama has been really beneficial to us because Andrew understands the space we are working in. There were things we didn’t have to explain to Andrew working on this project because he understood how the Mob works, the different technologies and knew how to tell the story in a way that was culturally appropriate.”

— Bradley Hall, Managing Director, Coongan Pty Ltd

Our Values

  • Our foundation and grounding. The relationships shared with your team; clients and broader community.

  • We value Indigenous perspectives and embrace Indigenous knowledge as a guiding force in our work. Together, we strive for better outcomes for our mob.

  • We believe that business should be about more than just business, creating opportunities for ourselves and our partners to meaningfully engage with our First Nations communities.

  • Timely, supportive, consistent. We want to be known as trusted providers that create trusted solutions.

  • Always giving our best. A drive to continuously improve to our highest capabilities.

  • We embrace challenges, take thoughtful risks and stand by our values.

Looking for a partner in geospatial and cloud?

Technology We Use