Leon Design and the IMW Australia - On Demand
Creating a safe, inspiring and culturally-appropriate learning environment was a high priority for the Indigenous Mapping Workshop Australia (IMW) team when planning the look and feel of the new learning platform - the IMW Australia - On Demand.
Keisha, a Waanyi and Kalkadoon woman and Founder of Leon Design, cleverly and masterfully took this design brief and produced the artwork that you see today on the IMW Australia - On Demand platform.
IMW Australia, in conjunction with Google Creative Labs, asked Keisha to develop an Indigenous visual identity for Indigenous Mapping Workshop that would inspire learners and provide users with a valuable and rewarding learning experience. The artwork needed to reflect IMW Australia’s greater purpose – Indigenous people working on their culture in a digital space; using new ways and data to respect and conserve both culture and Country.
The artwork shows both the stories and knowledge that are embedded into Country, as well as the growth of communities empowered by data and digital technologies to map their Country.
Keisha Leon - Founder of Leon Design
About Keisha’s artwork
The Story
Our culture lives through Country. Our knowledge and stories are mapped through the lands. By mapping our knowledge we are preserving our communities for tomorrow and our culture for the future.
The Symbolism
The digital mapping pathways represent technology’s input into mapping Country and connecting communities, and how technology helps to capture and preserve knowledge.
First Nations people and communities are at the heart of sharing and preserving our culture and Country. By empowering communities, it allows our culture to thrive with First Nations people taking control of their own future and story.
IMW Austraila - On Demand Artwork Symbolism
These represent the important places mapped on Country. Each place is significant and mapped by its community.
Want to learn more about IMW Australia - On Demand?
Visit the IMW Australia - On Demand learning platform to see how Keisha’s artwork has been integrated into the website and courses available.
Do you want to participate in the IMW Australia - On Demand?