Winyama wins WA Telstra Best of Business Award for Indigenous Excellence

PERTH, AUSTRALIA — February 16th, 2023  — Winyama, an Indigenous-owned and operated geospatial and cloud consultancy, has won at Western Australia’s Telstra Best of Business Awards for the category Indigenous Excellence.

The award recognises Indigenous-led, owned and operated businesses that are succeeding through entrepreneurialism, innovation, and inspiring the next generation of Australians.

A for-purpose business, Winyama is driven by the vision of full and equal participation of Indigenous people in the digital economy. The consultancy serves two purposes, firstly as a provider of geospatial location intelligence and digital solutions to Indigenous communities tasked with the important work of managing Country and preserving traditional knowledge and culture. Secondly as an enabler of young Indigenous talent seeking careers in technology.  

A team of 10 Traditional Owners, Winyama is currently involved in facilitating geospatial training to Indigenous Ranger Groups through the multi-year Pilbara Cultural Land Management Project and will later this year host Australia’s largest Indigenous mapping workshop via their social initiative in Narrm (Melbourne).

On accepting the award, Ngarluma Traditional Owner and Winyama Managing Director, Andrew Dowding said,

“Winyama’s story is about Indigenous inclusion in the digital economy, and I would like to thank Telstra for recognising our work in this space. ​​Awards like this could only come about with the support of our customers, partners and our families who help to support our companies vision.”

The Telstra Best of Business Awards comprises of three stages, with a panel of judges scoring nominees on company purpose, solution,  business operation and financial acumen. Other WA state finalists included; Yalagan Imprint, Olive Branch Enterprise and IPS Management Consultants— chosen from over 20 000 nominations Australia-wide.

Winyama will represent Western Australia at the 2023 Telstra Best of Business Awards National Gala Dinner on March 23 where the top businesses from across the country will be named. 


#WhyIMap: The catalyst for the Indigenous Mapping Workshop


Applications for the 2023 National Indigenous Mapping Workshop Austalia now open